In the heart of Beverly Hills, 12 influencers and designers are gearing up for a battle royale.
Their mission? To conquer a Melrose and Beverly Hills staple in luxury men's fashion. With grit, guts, and a touch of rebellion, they're about to shake the industry to its core. Hold on tight – it's about to get wild.
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Bet on me, you'll always win.
My passionate nature is my biggest strength... and weakness.
Some call me a narcissist, but who cares? I'm the star, baby.
If you think I'm the girl next door, wait until you see your neighbor's house.
Bringing the sizzle, the fizzle, and the snacks.
Beauty, brains, wit, and East Coast flair. Perfection? Piece of cake.
I tackle everything the same way - hard and fast.
I'm not just bringing the fun; I am the fun.
Tabloids adore me, from Poland to Bollywood. Can't wait to see what they cook up about me in LA.
Remember, sharks are smooth and silent until they bite.
Creating and directing this show is the closest I'll ever get to childbirth.
Striving to be the nicest guy on reality TV, but man, it's a tough gig.